Monday, 28 September 2015

6 Annoying Daily Hustles Of A University Student

Yes, being in a University is cool. As in freaking cool - to people that are yet to enter. Sometimes I wish I came in here to sleep and not write exams, after Dibu's stipulated years, I will stroll to school admin and collect my certificate but just as the wise ones say: "The wise
ones say".
Amongst all the things I pass as annoying in my school surroundings, there are special repetitive ones that I am so sure you will come across someday, if you haven't.

6. Home Work/Assignment : For crying out really loud, I stay in Hall IV, it's an Hostel and not a home. Granted, it's meant to enlighten us but what is the essence of having to submit it? Who nor do, make he rest. The wise one says "University is a free

5. Lecturers teaching for 2hours+ and not taking attendance : I don't know for your faculty, but in the land of the crossives, this is a big time offence. 2hours is enough for an engine student to cover a whole sylla... (Forget BUS, trekk).

4. Time difference in sleeping : Start sleeping in class at 12pm, wake up five hours later and it will be 12:05pm. Now sleep at night with a morning class at 8am, wake up 7am and decide to sleep for 5mins, guess what time you will wake up (+_+). Why nah?

3. Alarm : Chai, alarms does not help matters at all. Thank God for snooze, if I want to wake up by 6am (after sleeping at 3am), I will have to set 3 alarms at 5am, 5:07am, 5: 23am each with its tone - Tonto Dike, thanks for that "high" song, it helps. Sha, shouldn't alarm be sensitive enough? Atleast don't interfere in my dreams!!!.

2. Monday : Why is Monday always acting like it's jealous of Sunday? For the records, sometimes I wake up on Mondays pretending not to knowing that it is really Monday. You know what is worst than waking up on monday? Knowing that the next Monday is 7days away. Wait, Monday... M-O-N-D-A Y... Damn, never knew it looks that ugly.

1. Obtainers/Thieves : Just like my teacher will say "It's a bracket". Can't find any other position to place them so, let me treat them as sub-topic.

a) Obtainers : As in, I can't walk freely at night without hiding my phones inside the unspeakables. Even money self, I thought they were only after those two things until last week - I went to see a friend at Edo street at 8pm and on my way back, I bought 4 cooked corn. Dem bros collect the corn, cut half for me say make I use am exchange my G shock watch. Ekosodin Brethren. I domo!!!

b)Thieves : Arrrgh!, Laptop, Phones, Lamp, Bags, Boxers, Singlet, Trousers. All are at owners risk. The thing dey be like magic if them don move am. Just last month, my roommate filled his stove to the brim with kerosene only to come back from class to find the stove missing. Two weeks later, they returned the stove. Woo, make I rest my case. Sha, you weren't expecting the kerosene to remain in the stove init?

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